Chlorine dioxide generator

ClO2 – How To Make Chlorine Dioxide

The latest ClO2IX generators offer distinct advantages

Download the ClO2IX Chlorine Dioxide Generators fact sheet

Chlorine dioxide production has just got a whole deal easier and safer

Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is an effective, low concentration water disinfectant offering a high residual quality that helps to eradicate biofilm and support robust Legionella control in water distribution systems. These new generation ClO2IX production systems are proven in solving all of the problems and perceived limitations of conventional ClO2 generation and come in a range of models to provide 5KG to 90+KG/day of ClO2.

  • Tech-enabled ClO2 solution contains no chlorine and no ozone and virtually no chlorite
  • Safe – no chemicals are mixed
  • High conversion rate (98.5%+)
  • Low concentration levels (700 mg/L)
  • Generated on a controlled reaction that is extremely safe
  • Self-monitoring and correcting
  • No storage of ClO2
  • ClO2 is generated ON DEMAND.

At a glance

  • Super reliable chlorous acid generation and a catalytic technology that converts almost instantaneously (>98.5%) of the chlorous acid to ClO2
  • Especially relevant for;
    - Commercial and industrial sites where precise microbiological purity point of use water disinfection is required
    - Process water, especially in food production
    - Rinsing and washing stations
    - Greenhouses and Horticulture
    - Hospitals and care homes
    - Hotels and leisure sites
    - Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants
    - Closed water loops
    - Water tanks (commercial, domestic system and agricultural)
  • Choose between;
    - 13 model variations include “Industrial”, “Mini” and “Mobile”
    - Permanent or hired emergency disinfection solutions
    - Buy-out or financed hire purchase options over 1-3 years

These chlorine dioxide production systems are used by water treatment companies on sites to eradicate biofilm, control Legionella and protect water distribution systems and risk to human health from waterborne pathogens, bacteria and viruses.

How it works

ClO2 is made through the formation of chlorous acid. The ClO2IX systems produce a solution of chlorous acid without residual Na+ by using a special cation exchange resin in the H+ form. This removes the Na+ from sodium chlorite and replaces it with H+ to form pure chlorous acid. 

Once chlorous acid is formed, the reaction to ClO2 can commence. Using catalytic technology, the ClO2IX generator converts almost instantaneously (>98.5%) of the chlorous acid to ClO2. The resultant 700 mg/l ClO2 or Chlorate product contains no chlorine, no ozone and virtually no chlorite. Because of the ability for the ClO2IX system to dispense continuously on demand rather than batch process (it is a duplex system), high quality, low concentration ClO2 is produced on demand, reliably. 


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Supply Partners

HuwaSan specialise in the production and distribution of chemicals for water treatment. B & V Chemicals are water treatment supply partners in the UK.