Advantages of Using Corrosion Coupons

corrosion 1Are you effectively monitoring corrosion rates within your water treatment programme?

An effective water treatment programme will control corrosion, scale formation and fouling, as well as legionella and other microbial activity.

B & V Chemicals can offer a corrosion coupon analysis and certificate service, using the expertise of our in-house laboratory services. The analysis of corrosion through using corrosion coupons is recommended by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in their Approved Code of Practise L8 and accompanying Technical Guidance; HSG274 (section 1.34)

While on-site water analysis can provide you with some information about corrosion activity, it does not provide the full story. Corrosion coupons, however, a much more accurate, longer term corrosion rate, which is representative of the whole system. The result is better informed, more accurate water treatment programme. Corrosion coupon monitoring, particularly of critical and large closed circuit systems, is also recommended in BSRIA BG50.

Improving the efficiency of any water treatment programme and reducing costs.

corrosion 6By using the corrosion coupon analysis service, you will:

  • Be able to demonstrate corrosion control of the water system through a formal certification
  • Identify where improvements may need to be made to prevent any potential long-term metal damage; microbiological and fouling issues.
  • Receive pictorial evidence of “before and after” the coupons have been processed to visually understand the state and typography of the underlying metal.

This service is available for all common metals of mild steel, stainless steel 316 and 304, copper, brass and aluminium. Other metals may be available on request.

Corrosion Rate Interpretation

The guidelines for acceptable corrosion levels in systems composed of different metal types can be found in the table below. Using corrosion coupons will allow water treatment professionals to demonstrate that the water treatment programme in place on site in a cooling tower or closed circuit is actually proving effective in minimising corrosion.

Metal Rate  Description
Mild steel <1 Excellent corrosion control
1 -2 Good corrosion control
2 - 5 "Warning" look for control in system
>5 High corrosion rate
Galvanised   Not relevant
Aluminium (remember to consider pitting) <1 Excellent corrosion control
1 -2 Good corrosion control
2 - 5 "Warning" look for control or issues in the system
2 - 5 High corrosion rate
Copper <0.1 Excellent corrosion control
0.1-0.4 Good corrosion control
0.5-1.0 "Warning" look for control in system
<1.0 High corrosion rate
Brass <0.1 Excellent corrosion control
0.1-0.4 Good corrosion control
0.5-1.0 "Warning" look for control in system
<1.0 High corrosion rate
Stainless steel <0.1 Excellent corrosion control
0.1-0.4 Good corrosion control
0.5-1.0 "Warning" look for control in system
<1.0 High corrosion rate

Our technical support team are on hand to discuss your requirements and find the most appropriate solution for your water system whatever your water treatment requirements.

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Jill Cooper

Jill Cooper

Jill Cooper is Own Label Manager at B&V Chemicals, a leading UK and Export distributor of Water Treatment chemicals for Cooling Water Systems chemicals, Closed Circuit chemicals, Boiler chemicals, Hot and Cold Water System Chemicals, Effluent and Wastewater chemicals. A Microbiologist and Chemist, she has 20+ years production, toll blending and regulatory knowledge.

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HuwaSan specialise in the production and distribution of chemicals for water treatment. B & V Chemicals are water treatment supply partners in the UK.