Our Polyamine Chemicals For Steam Boilers

In a previous blog published on 24.08.23, we wrote an introduction to Polyamine formulations designed specifically for use in steam boilers. This blog Using Polyamines in Boiler treatment gives a good background understanding of the chemistry, application and benefits of these extremely effective all in one boiler treatments.

Polyamines have been used for a number of years by several companies as a single dose product for treating boilers. This treatment is suitable for low, medium and some high-pressure boilers.

This technology is widely used in Europe and the Middle East with proven results in both energy and water savings.

Acsamine range:

  • This blog announces the availability of the Acsamine range, consisting of four formulations.

  • One formulation is NSF approved, catering specifically to the food industry where steam comes into contact with food.

Transitioning to polyamines in steam boilers:

  • Switching over from traditional treatment to film forming polyamines in steam boilers requires careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition.

  • A steam boiler change over protocol from conventional treatments to polyamines is available to our Own Label Customers on request.

  • No extra equipment is required when switching over to the dosing of polyamines into steam boilers as automatic dosing units and water meters should already be in place.

  • Dosing of polyamines into steam boilers will give protection of the complete system due to film formation in feedwater tank, feedwater line, boiler water and steam/condensate system.

Water and energy savings

With energy prices at a premium over the last year and no cost reductions in sight the opportunity to save considerable sums of money should be a very attractive option for the majority of customers who operate steam boilers on their sites.

The products are all-organic and therefore contribute little to the system conductivity, allowing for higher cycles to be run in the system and reducing blowdown, ultimately saving both energy and water.


With the growing concern about climate change and the environment the majority of larger organisations will have plans in place to reduce their energy usage. It is the case that saving energy helps the environment by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants in the atmosphere.

Any company that holds ISO 14001 accreditation will have plans in place to reduce energy usage and wherever possible use more environmentally friendly chemicals. If a steam boiler is in operation on site switching to polyamines will fill both criteria of energy saving and improved environmental credentials.

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Jill Cooper

Jill Cooper

Jill Cooper is Own Label Manager at B&V Chemicals, a leading UK and Export distributor of Water Treatment chemicals for Cooling Water Systems chemicals, Closed Circuit chemicals, Boiler chemicals, Hot and Cold Water System Chemicals, Effluent and Wastewater chemicals. A Microbiologist and Chemist, she has 20+ years production, toll blending and regulatory knowledge.

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HuwaSan specialise in the production and distribution of chemicals for water treatment. B & V Chemicals are water treatment supply partners in the UK.